Thursday, November 30, 2006
The feather and the wind
Up flies the feather, light and swift
Borne by the wind that comes from the East
Its own fate it cannot control
Tossed and twirled like the wind that blows
Oh glorious is the day when the wind lifts high
Up goes the feather into bright blue skies
Sights and sounds and wonders seen
Waters touched with a shimmering sheen
Ah but what when the wind withdraws
Its strength dies and the feather ceases to soar
Lower it falls into the deeper pits
In the darkness, alone it sits
O ever does the feather wait
Upon the wind to play its little trick
And up from darkness does it go
Into sunlight that reaches not below
The only joy that a feather has
Is to be carried by wind its best friend
It dreads the failing of the Eastern wind
For with its comes depression ever kee
Let the feather not depart from wind's embrace
Let it be kept close to wind's gentle face
Let the feather bask in love eternal
Let its sorrows be buried forever
Posted by The Inflamed at 7:25 PM