Thursday, September 07, 2006
I don't think I will ever over emphasise the need to be content with all that you have now and to treasure to the maximum each and every moment. For you never know when it might be taken from your very bosom and gone, leaving you completely and devastatingly empty. For that which once you possessed was of value and you basked in its joy, taking it all for granted. You sought for something more, being the greedy fool and at the end of the rainbow, where is the gold that you sought? Its just cornflakes.
That was something I learnt from a movie I recently watched, one that is called CLICK and I think it has held abundant meaning for me and a message that struck me hard and struck me clear.
Happiness is not about material possessions, its all about love. When you have laid hands upon true love, be it family, friends or spouses, never let it go, never try to get something more, treasure every moment of it, for in this love, you already have everything you ever wanted. There is no greater thing you can ask of from this world. Perfect love is all that matters. It covers sin, it takes care of fear and it brings abundant joy to all and great blessings upon the world.
You know friends, I have never been a content person. Even when I have been surrounded by good things, a fully happy and contented life, I sought to move on to the next level, to acquire something that was never meant to be mine. Yet, the harder I worked towards getting it, the more I neglected those about me and I neglected myself and my calling and true purpose in life.
It was a fool's hope, dreaming and dwelling upon silly things that I should never have. I failed to seek contentment, desiring always something better in life, from the world. Why are rich men not the happiest men in the world? Rich men seek to become richer. People who are surrounded by love want something extra.
In the pursuit of foolish goals, one may find that he has lost the very thing he sought to get. A father seeks to work harder for the sake of his family, but he ends up neglecting them all and as a result, he lost his family. One who has many close friends, basking already in their love for one another may seek something more. He says, "My friends are not enough! I want popularity! Fame! More friends!" He will lose those who are closest to him.
When we have something that is good, we always want more of it. But this is the law of the universe: You can never have too much of a good thing. Your life capacity is only this limited, when you have more of one thing, you lose the other.
Do not fall into uncontentment my friends, rejoice in all that you have, lest you be deprived of love and your heart made like a shell, empty and hollow.
I have lost already my old happiness and my old cheer, the happiest I have ever been for sixteen years, I flushed down the drain. Be not mistaken my friends, I am not depressed nor am I unhappy, but my current happiness can never replace the one I had before.
I prize the love of friendship and family the most important thing in the world. If this is not worth getting depressed over, I would say nothing is.
Everything in good time. Do not be like he who pursues the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, for it will amount to nothing. Be not greedy and care little for wealth and riches, working ever steadily with an uncovetous heart. No matter how busy you are, take some time out to spend time with your loved ones, friends and family alike. Neglect no one and be of good cheer always.
Unlock the gifts you have in your life for no one is untalented. Find your calling and your purpose for good of the world, move towards it, with love at your right hand. You will not have to chase after money, but money will run after you!!
So take heart and treasure what love you have and cling to it! Material possessions will pass away, riches will pass away, your successes will pass away, but true love will by no means pass away.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
Posted by The Inflamed at 11:21 AM