Thursday, August 17, 2006

The wind is changing

Good day and salutations to all!! Haha. First I would like to extend my apologies to all dearest and faithful readers for indeed for the past few days and weeks I have made this blog out to be a blog of lamentations. If any have taken upon themselves even a slight weight of my burdens, I am sorry.

Though the world is not all bright and sunny, the clouds are moving, and the lo! Behold the glory of the uncovered sun as it shines once more in a world once percieved to be bleak and barren, dark and cold. Warmth shall be here and flowers and trees shall come forth in a million colours as opposed to winter where all is white and bleak. The sun is glorious and by it, all winters shall melt into a glorious spring! =)

The time has come my little friends to talk of other things! Ships and sails and ceiling wax! Cabbages and Kings! While the earth is boiling hot o let us dance and sing! In His glory and in His love, our one and only King!

Great is the Lord and Greatly to be praised. Amen.

Posted by The Inflamed at 2:19 PM