Saturday, October 14, 2006

Life flows like the river

And so the waters gush and flow
From the mountains high and low
Through the plains and past the fields
Through great valleys and great hills
Goes the rivers flow and flow

The terrain changes ever and ever
From the arid plains to the fertile soil
From barrenness to fruitfulness
With high speed and with low
Goes the rivers flow and flow

Where will the water go?
Past the rocks and nodding plants
Past the populated banks of green
Under the skies twisting to and fro
To the seas rivers flow and flow

When shall the rivers reach the destined sea?
And in what state does it flow?
From wither did it come?
To where is it headed for?
In vanity I hope not, rivers shall flow and flow

Shall the waters churn and boil?
Raging like the molten stream?
Passing through lands aglow
Shall all who touch it reel with pain?
That such is shunned and cast away?

Shall the waters rush and flow?
Eyes and ears all blind to life
To the beauty it could have beheld?
Or shall it pass that its surroundings are shadows?
That it desires only to seek the seas

Shall the waters be of murkish green?
Poisonous foul and arid?
Surely this is the deathbringer
And it destroys even the seas
A place shall be aside for these

Shall the waters be all still?
Deep and stagnant of rotting filth?
Wind shall not move it
For it is cut off and will not flow
Its lot are the swamps and muddy pools

Shall the water be as a wave?
Great and terrible and destructive?
That cities are consumed
That men perish by its glare alone
That its fingers should ensnare souls

Or shall the water be its useful tool?
A friend to one and all in needy times
A blessing upon the cursed lands
Like the rain that falls upon the crop
And the waters that beautify a scene

Shall not the waters be a gentle wave
Blown calmly by the breeze?
That all might delight by its gentle touch
And the coolness that it brings
Blessed are waters such as these

And shall the waters find good soil?
And sowing seed that fruit may grow?
In abundance waters may bring forth
For riches lie in its very soul
Reach the seas in peace and in blessings

Thank the Lord for the water in your heart
For surely by Him it will be good
Let it not have terrible reign
But let it be blessed as welcome rain
Blessed be your waters

Ascend to the skies O you good waters
Take your place amongst the clouds!
And find your place with the Lord
That He may use you for a purpose
That you might be the rain that He sends

Pure blameless and holy shall you come
Down in a gentle pour
And all shall rejoice in this day
For you surely come down in victory
As the shower of blessings of the Lord

And to the deadness of the Earth life will come
That deserts will bloom its flower
That the earth with yield its fruit
That gardens will reign once more
And that all might be good in the sight of the Lord


Posted by The Inflamed at 11:17 AM