Thursday, May 11, 2006

11th May 2006

Aha here I sit and while my time upon a keyboard of many great and little sounds when they click and tick away with finger's touch. Free access Lab 41 where I am seated and near the doorway too. The door is wide open for indeed the lab is free access. The door is grayish and a glass panel is fitted somewhere near the top. In this great room of many coms, only I am left, with the company of four girls who are strange to me. Thus the room is ever silent save the sound of the keyboard at work and the humming of the machines and small chat and discussion behind me. Other than that, there is nothing great spectacular about this little hole where I have chosen to wait until 5 where I would meet my friend at the TP Library. Sian hor? I think so.

Haiz...very sad larx. Just now arx, had very intersting lecture on Food science and product knowledge about meat and poultry products. But of course being me, I had to sit next to the class clown who successfully deviated my attention from the lecture by using the weapon of jabs. Zzzz...I guess I simply have no choice but to re read all that was taught today during lecture myself and hopefully I will not have missed much. Sianed. I promise to sit away from clowns in the future.

Anyway, tomorrow is Vesak Day! Cheers! Haha...nay nay, I am not cheering for the festive occasion it represents but for the holiday! Hahaz...I am glad lorx that I may spend time in familiar company tomorrow since I have missed S23 dearly. My confidantes have slipped off msn one by one and now its difficult even to find someone for a good online chat. Sianed. Lol...zzz...hopefully 1J02 don't organise outing clash of outings = cannot go out with class people. Haha...sianed again. I have often looked to opportnities to bond with the class, so that I may come out of the shell of silence sooner than I have ever achieved and that they may see me for who I am lorx. Hehe...for indeed I'm not the quiet and "guai" person many people have believed me to be. I had almost all the teachers in VS fooled. Zzzz... entry getting long the end also no one read de. Entry length doth put off some readers. Farewell for now dear readers. I am sianed and must go off to seek new pleasures and activities that will seek to dim my boredom. Whoohoo...this weekend will be mugging weekend...sianed. Haha...why am I so often sianed? Few people would know I guess for this is not about workload but of other matters. I desire to speak with others. Farewell once more.

Posted by The Inflamed at 4:32 PM