Tuesday, May 09, 2006

8th of May

Hello good folks! Its been awhile since my last entry! Alright, I must say that up until this point of time, life in TP has been great haha...and for this I am really glad because I truly don't regret, not at all for having chosen poly over JC.

Many people have the misconception that Poly life is a slack one, its not really, I've come to realise that also. We may start late, but we end late also and our workload is nothing less than what the JC people are undergoing. Its only the third week! Just that by working in groups, projects have been made fun lor, especially since there are a bunch of clowns in 1J02 and I'm quite psyched to be learning about what I wish to learn. But a little intimidated la haha, many of my classmates seem to have way more experience than I. But they're great and fun people :)

I've never been able to settle into a new environment this quick...MJ took like more than a month? Jason helped me alot there la haha...great friend he is. I am comfortable with where I am by the second week and thus TP really rox...haha.

Also I wish to praise the Lord for it was after I have learnt to embrace him, that my life has become alot easier, that I have able to walk with a straightened back, with greater confidence, cheer and a greater self esteem. The Lord has guided me thus far and I praise Him with great praise for the peace and happiness that he has brought me and also for the great many things I have learnt during service. For all friends and family I shall continue to pray for and let the Lord shower all with his blessings and his vast love!

Hallelujah! Great thanks to Sis Hui Jun and Alvin for their advice, thanks to Qiao ru for bringing the four of us together after 5 years, thank all of S23 for making having made me feel like part of the family and thank the Lord for having made all this possible! Praise the Lord!

Posted by The Inflamed at 7:06 PM