Sunday, March 26, 2006

26th March 2006

Once more the days have passed in greater unproductivity, save the experiments I have done over the weekend in making lasagna of my own recipe, constructed from several others. The book I have begun to write is going slowly and a year has passed already with less than a tenth of it created.

Much of the settings lie in the far country, down wth wide meadows and vast evergreen fields, in places where mountains group and tower up high and lofty, where streams bubble and trip over stones and river sparkling and aglow with silver. It would be where forests stand tall and all is dark beneath their boughs for their crowns are thick. It would be where land was affected by the four seasons and where the rising and setting of the sun would not be obscured by looming skyscrapers and tall flats. Nay, it would be where I can see the outline of the mountains blush red and the nights filled with untold millions of winking stars with clouds ominous and night lit only by the pale, dim light of the moon hidden in shadows. Yea, that is where I set my story, in a place out in far country, without city, stone neatly hewn, set and carved into intricate patterns and without much sound to disturb the serenity. And dew drops gleening on waxy leaves at the first light of each day.

It is in these places I would dwell for three years had I the luxury of time for surely such sights would be an invaluable experience for description and better place settings. Such sights and smells I wlll never see in such a hyped up city. Perhaps when I have time, for a period of time I wil shrink back from all this and spend time in the country. Hahaha...a foul and foolish dream of a city dweller trying to become a chef.

So perhaps I have bored many with this wish list but then there is nothing I have left to report. Do state if instead of this, you would wish me to recount to you tales of a slow moving and idle life until school begins. Perhaps then my tale would be more interesting.

Posted by The Inflamed at 10:20 PM