Friday, July 21, 2006
The Trueness of Friendship
Ah, the sadness of Life lies partly in friendship that which is false and untrue.
Friendship ever wears a cunning veil and goes about hooded and cloaked. Even for those who think you know your friends well, do you truly? For I dare say that not one person in this world knows me inside out.
Friendship may be treacherous and false indeed yes. Countless people in the world today would claim that in the deepest recesses of their hearts, they remain ever loyal and true to their friends at present. Yet such a deep and powerful friendship may not withstand the test of time or the test of external threat.
Through the passage of my life, many friends I have met and lost, far too many already for counting, they whom I have been on excellent terms with and lost touch all too soon. In my early teens already I have had my fair share of such an experience! For I approached old friends in my school and I am shunned!
But in my life, my social needs have been met, by the grace and love of the Lord God who has time and again blessed me with wonderful people in my life, whom I may lean on for support and encouragement. For though the Lord God wills it that we should lean upon Him for support but I say! Are dear friends not of the Lord's creation, sent by Him to serve as blessing to His children on Earth? Through dear friends we may find our support.
Thus I say I have been blessed. But by what? By the Church, by the Cell Group, by my family, by my class and my friends!
True friendship is that which is eternal and everlasting. It is understanding and loving, being as steady as a rock in the Ocean to which one may cling upon for dear life whilst the storm of tribulations and depressions sweep about it in great waves. And the rock is unmoved!
When the wind grows and the storm brews, lightning flashes and thunder bellows, then here now lifts the veil that tricks your sight. That which hides truth from lie. For the untrue rock will be washed away by the storm, leaving you stranded in vast oceans whilst the true rock stands firm until the storm passes away!
When horns of tribulation blow and the armies of troubles come sweeping down, how might you be defended? Will your walls hold or will they not?
Here thus I thank and glorify the Lord once more for His blessings to me, for they who held my hand when I walked the narrow path, for they who gave me wings to soar over mountains high and they who were the rafts that bore me across endless seas.
These are they who would bear me through to the very ends. These are they who will follow me into darkness. These are they whose love for me holds fast and true. These are they, friends to the end, on whom I may cling on for my very life and they who would sacrifice their lives to preserve me, just as I would them.
As I write of this, let all that I have written not be discounted and be washed away into nothingness - a blank script of a foriegn text bearing neither meaning nor sense. Let this hold true, as true as our friendship may run and I pray that by the Glory and Power of the Lord never will we be broken from each other as the Earth was split in the early days.
Let us be bonded strong and forever up unto Eternal Life of that which awaits us in the Kingdom of God.
Thus I thank once more the Lord for S23 and the Aq 4. I thank too, my brother Jeremy and sister Shark in Christ for keeping me always in thought. I thank my sister CKL for having been a great consoler in terrible times and to my brother Jonathan for having often lifted my spirits to soar above dark clouds.
Do not fear for me for my depression is at an end for friendship is like the Sun that drives away the darkness of sorrow and loneliness. Praise the Lord. Amen.
Friends are your umbrellas in the storm. They are your rock in the Ocean. They are the wall against your enemies. They are the trees of comfort and shade. They are blessings sent forth by the Lord according to His will and purpose.
Hold fast to your friends, I counsel all. Let no more depart from you for any reason whatsoever and keep always in touch.
In the trueness of Friendship, the distance matters not and mountains that stand in the way are but anthills to the perception of the heart.
Once more I implore the lot, Treasure and hold fast to your friends forever. Let them be warmth to you and serve as a flame when all is cold and dark about.
Do not sorrow if you have your friends with you! True happiness lies in companionship for he who is rich and successful and yet lonely, has succeeded for naught.
Smile in the Love and Blessing of the Lord God. =)
Posted by The Inflamed at 1:20 AM