Monday, February 14, 2005

It has been a long time since I last far as I can remember. Well, for a start, today hasn't been the most excellent of days. I felt rather lethargic and tired throughout, taking interest in nothing except talking nonsense in classes. Even now...I suppose I am bonded by a sense of duty to take this blog up greater heights though I currently have no interest in this. So many people online now, yet most are somewhat busy. Why do I get the feeling that I am so very tired? I am not yet ready to sleep. Anywayz, nothing much to say for today. Happy Valentine's Day though. There are people to whom I would wish well but they are out of reach, dwelling in Oxfordshire...that's at the other end of the Planet Earth.

The Ents have not troubled about the war of men and wizards, for a very long time.
Signed: Clarence Chue Maow Sheng the tired and the bored.

Posted by The Inflamed at 9:44 PM