Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Project ECDW

Rally to me!! To me!! Wednesday has swiftly passed without great incident except if you count the Maths file disaster when A Lim rejected it :( . For the replies...I am getting tired of stating "no reply yet" on my blogs so I decided to just be silent until the reply comes and I'll do a five hour cheer all over the room...the cheers will appear on my blog until I calm down. I've just visited the fan site today...hmm...apparently fans receive a default letter and autographed picture. Will be a bit weird if I send three different letters and all with a same reply. Still I need to accomplish my project before my idol turns 18...don't know why I set that kind of deadline. But it sounds right you know? It does...really...before 18...Project ECDW will continue. Phase two will begin soon. I can't wait til march. Probably after CNY? Cousin coming back this coming saturday from Xiamen. What should I say? After all these years, the excitement has kind of left me. Still, going to the airport is something quite rare for me...might as well relish it. Oh yar...I am not stopping project ECDW until I get 2 replies at least. Remember: E= English (That's great!), C= Charming (That's why I started the project in the first place.), D= Desirable (Its everywhere in the magazines!! I"ve been mezmerised!) and W= Warm Hearted (Can't think of anything else. I imagine that she should be kind and gentle. If have something else tell me ok?)

Eomer! Take your Eored down the left flank. Gamling! Follow the King's banner down the centre! Grimbold! Take your company right, after you pass the wall! Forth! And Fear no Darkness!
Signed: Clarence Chue Maow Sheng

Posted by The Inflamed at 9:01 PM