Friday, February 25, 2005

In School todayz

Hello! Everyone! Currently blogging from school. This is definitely a first but the ability to do this is like...making NP alotmore attractive. Not bad for a slack CCA. I can still hardly believe this.

This IT lab is however fll of noises...not those happy noises and not those sad noises. More like those very noisy noise pollution noise you know? If not for needing to waste away time while in NP I won't even be here. Worst thing is I am sitting somewhere near the door so coupla of the more inqisituve people can read. :P

I would have come here to chat and have my story continued but for some secial reason the M word isn't working and no one's online. Terrible horrible and incorrigible. I am getting more and more nervous as every second passes by..eager to shut this window I am. Still, looking forward to the Project launch. Will take place sometime fairly soon but not too soon. Project deadline is somewhere in April and I launch it March. Need more research and pictures...making cards too...if only I could. Wow this has been long...and wer crap the personal quotes I leave after every blog. Its getting kind of tedious. Inhad no idea expressing myself here is tedious. But it is...crap I am cracking up liao. BB.

Signed: Clarence Chue Maow Sheng

Posted by The Inflamed at 4:00 PM