Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mango Granite

Recipe for Mango Granite

This is a dessert resembling crushed ice. It can be made with any form of flavoured liquid. Try different ones for different effects and tastes! This can be made at home at ANY time with almost any form of liquid!

Some liquids to consider:

Fruit juice



Fruit puree

Commercial drinks

Fruit Teas/ Green Tea

Mango Granite Ingredients

113 g mango sweetened mango puree

330 g water

50 g sugar

25 g rum

Cooking method:

1) Mix everything together with a whisk in a shallow pan with a wide surface area, stirring until the sugar dissolves.

2) Place in the freezer and stir the mixture every 15 - 30 mins until the mixture resembles crushed ice.

3) Enjoy =)

Posted by The Inflamed at 5:08 PM